Tuesday, July 8, 2008


So I've been staring at my computer for 10 minutes trying to figure out what to write about. I just don't have as much going on as all you other bloggers :) I guess I could give you a brief synopsis of my Fourth of July holiday.....(Steff, I'm copying your set up :)

The beginning of a long weekend. I'm not even sure I could tell you what I did. Oh yes, that's right, I went down to Louisville (super small town on the way from Lincoln to Omaha) to have supper with Tyler & his parents.

NO WORK!!! YAY!!! Because I'm in training and don't technically factor into the workload management, they gave us the option to take of the 3rd. I don't think I've ever had a four day Fourth of July weekend! I thought I would sleep all day but no dice. Up at 6am! Crazy. I really didn't do much during the day - just kind of poked around, cleaned a bit and watched movies. It was nice. Then I made pasta salad to take to Milford on Friday..

Tyler came with me out to Mom & Dad's. We just hung out with them for a while and then went up to Seward with Mom. They have a big Fourth of July festival every year. There are always some neat craft booths and a parade. Then we went back to Milford for supper. It was fun. Tyler really enjoyed himself. He's a country boy at heart and being out there with the horses and the open space is like Christmas for him.

SLEEP IN DAY! Loved every minute of it. I got up late, ate lunch, slept more. Then I had a BBQ to go to at a friend's house. We played some ladder ball.

Back to Louisville I go. I went to see Tyler & his parents. We were hoping to go jet skiing but that didn't happen. Oh well, better luck next time. Instead, we watched movies & got ice cream.

Then back to work on Monday. I am one tired Chickie. I just keep telling myself a few more days and then its off to Utah I go!

So I guess I have a little more going on than I thought - just not quite as interesting as all you moms out there :) Or at least not as important :)

To all you Utahinites :) I'll see you Saturday! I hope, if not, shame on you. I'm driving clear from Nebraska, you all better be there :)



Steffani said...

Are you bringing Tyler? ;) Just wondering. Can't wait to see you!

Cheyenne said...

Believe it or not, you were busier than us. But wouldn't you go UP to Louisville and not DOWN? I used to drive through Louisville everytime I went to the court house.